GitHub Actions


A CI/CD pipeline solution much closely integrated with the GitHub platform (can see status in “Actions” tab, configure secrets in Repo settings or organization wide etc).


Workflows: configurable automated process. Specified as Infrastructure-as-code YAML files stored in code repo path .github/workflows.

Jobs: a workflow is composed of multiple jobs that run on runners.

Steps: a job is composed of multiple steps (ex - a shell command).

Events: workflows can be triggered on an event (ex - push, issue), scheduled, calling REST API (call GitHub webhook), or manually.

Runners: they are server instances on which the workflow runs. Each runner can run a single job at a time. They can be GitHub hosted, self-hosted (default), or Large Runners (hosted and managed by GitHub as premium offering).

Actions: they are reusable application for GitHub Actions platform that performs a complex but frequently repeated task. We can write our own actions and publish them publically too.


Parallel & Dependent Jobs

Jobs run in parallel independently by default and we can use needs: another-job-name in a job to specify dependency.

Debugging & Skipping

Detailed debug logs are disabled by default. When we manually run jobs, we can enable it by ticking debug logging enabled, or we can set special variables (ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG, ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG) in “Settings -> Secret and Variables -> Actions” so that debug logs are shown for every run.

If we want to skip the workflow for a push completely, we can write [no ci] or [skip ci] in any commit message of that push and workflow won’t be triggered if its configured for a push event.

Secrets & Variables

Store secrets and variables in “Settings -> Secret and Variables” and we can access them in workflow YAML files using ${{ vars.FOOBAR }} or ${{ secrets.MY_SECRET }}.

Secrets are masked (hidden with Asterisks) if we try to echo them in the workflow.

Workflow Commands

Send commands like error messages to runner.

run: echo "::error:: This message will be displayed in logs."

# error message with params
run: echo "::error title=foobar, file=app.js, line=2 :: This message will be displayed in logs."
# debug message (shows up only when debugging is enabled)
run: echo "::debug title=foobar, file=app.js, line=2 :: This message will be displayed in logs."

# grouping (shows up as a group in logs)
run: |
  echo "::group:: My group title"
  echo "Inside group"
  echo "::endgroup::"  

Shells and Working Directories

Ubuntu runner will use bash but Windows will use Powershell (pwsh).

We can add this at any level - workflow, job or step. Also optionally specify a working dir for the shell.

    shell: bash
    working-directory: /home/foo

We can also add python as shell and run python commands.

GitHub Repo Contents

Repository contents are not copied over to the runner automatically! We’ve to setup cloned local repo manually using git commands, or use Actions.


Actions are used as steps, and their output can be referenced in other steps as well.

  - name: A step that runs an action
    uses: username/reponame@branch		# branch, commit_hash, or version
    id: greet						# custom unique id (optional)
  	  who-to-greet: Heisenberg		# action params (documented by action provider)

  - name: Another step that uses above action's output
  	run: echo "${{ steps.greet.outputs.time }}"		# output name (time) is documented by action provider

Therefore inorder to checkout to our repo code on the runner filesystem using Action we create a step as follows, notice that name for action steps is optional:

  - name: List Files Before
    run: ls -a
  - uses: actions/checkout@v4

  - name: List Files After
    run: ls -a
