Modular Arithmetic

Remainders and % Operator

In Maths:

15 mod 7 = 1
12 mod 5 = 2
16 mod 4 = 0
2 mod 6 = 2

-1 mod 5 = -1 => 4		//do 1 mod 5 and add negative sign
-15 mod 7 = -1 => 6
-12 mod 5 = -2 => 3
12 mod -5 = 2 => -3
16 mod -4 = 0

In Programming:

  • If x completely divides y, the result of the expression y % x is 0.
  • If y is not completely divisible by x, then the result will be the remainder in the range [1, x-1].
  • If x is 0, then division by zero is a compile-time error.

Restrictions in C/C++:

  • The % operator cannot be applied to floating-point numbers i.e float, double, or long double. It leads to compile-time error.
  • Since C++11, the modulus operator used with negative operands and give predictable result: x % y always returns results with the sign of x.

Operations on Modulo

1. (a + b) % c = ( ( a % c ) + ( b % c ) ) % c
2. (a * b) % c = ( ( a % c ) * ( b % c ) ) % c
3. (a – b) % c = ( ( a % c ) – ( b % c ) ) % c
4. (a / b ) % c = ( ( a % c ) / ( b % c ) ) % c (Not Distributive)

Negative Remainders with Subtraction: We have to be careful with identity 3 as it can give negative value as result of modulo. Two fixes are -

int ans = (a - b) % mod;

if(ans < 0) ans += mod;
int ans = ((a - b) % mod + mod) % mod;	//slower than previous way as it increases mod operations

Modulo Division

Identity: (a / b) % m = ( ( a % m ) * ( 1/b ) % m ) % m. Finding modulo for division is not always possible.

Modulo Exponentiation

Fixing Overflows with Modulo

  • Commonly used number is 109+7 or 1e9+7.


long long ans;

ans = (a * b) % n;  //a and b are huge numbers

The above solution may lead to overflow as we multipled them and even when we're not storing them in variable ans before the modulo, they are still huge for intermediate value to be stored temporarily for performing modulo operation by the machine. Fix -

long long ans;
ans = ( (a % n) * (b % n) ) % n;


if (a mod n) = (b mod n), then
a ≡ b (mod n)
Some Observations regaarding a ≡ b (mod n):

1. a = k * n + b 	//b need not be the remainder of a/n

2. (a - b) is a multiple of n

Congruence modulo is an equivalence relation for (mod C): It is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

Reflexive: A ≡ A (mod N)

Symmetric: if A ≡ B (mod N) then B ≡ A (mod N)

Transitive: if A ≡ B (mod N) and B ≡ C (mod N) then A ≡ C (mod N)

