

Everything has to be inside a class in .java source file. Filename must match the “entrypoint” classname (incl. case), and it ofcourse must have a main() method inside.

  • if all are non-public, the class name with file’s name runs
  • there can be multiple classes in a java source file but only one can be declared as public and its name must match the filename
  • top-level classes can’t be private or protected, it leads to compiler error
  • top-level classes can’t be static, it leads to compiler error. Nested classes can be static though.


public static final void main()

// only "final" is optional here

The argument has to be a String array. So all of the below works:

String args[]
String foobar[]
String[] args
String... args
  • It is static because it is called by JVM using class name
  • Removing static from it will not cause any compile-time exception but cause NoSuchMethodError error on runtime
  • main() can be overloaded just like any other method but only String[] one will be called by the JVM

Command-Line Arguments

public static void main(String args[]){
	args[0]  // first argument (not program name) = 8
	args[1]	 // second argument = "foobar"

$ java Hello 8 foobar

If we don’t pass required number of arguments: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Imports and Packages

package foo;
import java.util.*;

class Hello{

  • java.lang.* is always implicitly imported regardless
  • if files have same package declarations, then they need not import each other explicitly as it’s trivial
  • only classes can be imported and not single methods or fields
  • use import static to import static methods and fields of a class (to access without instantiation)
  • importing a lot of classes doesn’t impact compilation or runtimes at all in Java
  • an import with wildcard (import java.nio.*) only imports classes from the current package and not from children pacakages too
  • Specificity takes precedence. If java.util.Date and java.sql.* both are imported, then Date is fetched from util package
  • Any ambiguity leads to compilation error:
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;		// Date will lead to error

import java.util.Date;
import java.sql.Date;	// ambiguous still

java.util.Date dateVar;
java.sql.Date dbDateVar;	//removes ambiguity

Ordering Rules:

  • package declaration has to be first non-comment in a source file
  • import always comes after package declaration
  • class comes after them


No nesting allowed.

// single line

/* block */

 * documentation
 * style
 * @author john doe


data_type name = init_value;
  • identifiers can start with currency symbol like $, etc…
  • single underscore (_) isn’t a valid identifier name (unlike C/C++) (this changed in 2024 with Java 22)
  • Garbage value concept doesn’t exist here so any uninitialized variable’s access is error
  • Since no garbage value is assigned, there is truly a separation between declaration and definition in Java, even for final variables
int x;

// no errors unless the variable is accessed without initialization
// all paths leading to access must initialize (Java is smart to detect this) or else error

final int a;        // declaration
a = 5;              // initialization

Types of variables

  1. Local (Method) -> Initialization is either (Inline, later in program)
  2. Instance (Object) -> Initialization is either (default, inline, instance initializer block, constructor)
  3. Class/static (Class) -> Initialization is either (default, static initializer block)

More on their initialization here

Variable Defaults:

Local -> no defaults (no garbage values), declaration only if value not assigned inline
non-final Instance -> default value assigned by compiler
non-final Class/static ->  default value assigned by compiler

final Instance/Class -> no defaults, must be initialized before constructor finishes!

Do note that the defaults on non-final instance and class/static variables are not by constructor but by compiler itself. They are assigned default values even before any constructor finishes executing!

class A {
    // inside some method
    new B();

class B {
    int x;      // instance member

        System.out.println(x);      // prints 0; even before constructor has finished


var name = init_value;	// type is implicitly inferred
  • we ofcourse always have to initialize var variables inline, and once type is inferred, we can’t change it
  • can’t be initialized with null but can be put in later
  • var isn’t a reserved keyword and can be used as an identifier (weird!). We can’t have types (classes, enum, interface) with name “var”.
  • var is ONLY used for local variable type inference. Anywhere else it is used (method params, instance variables, constructors), it is error
  • var can’t be used in multiple-variable assignments
var a = 3, b = 5;	//invalid
  • type of var is known at compile-time and type cannot be changed ever after that
  • var can be used in Lambda Expression variables though
Foobar foobar = (var a, var b) -> a < b;

Data Types

int short long byte char

float double


// there is no explicit "unsigned" specifier for primitives in Java
// char is unsigned; other integral types are not
  • int is 4 Bytes
  • float is 4 Bytes
  • char is unsigned Unicode (superset of ASCII), encoded as UTF-16 so one char can take one or two bytes. It is an integral type.
  • boolean is not convertible to int and vice-versa, we cannot even use == with int and boolean values. Takes values true or false. Size is undefined and depends on JVM.
while(1){ }     // not allowed; expected boolean


55L		// long -- l/L
0123	// octal   
0xFBB	// hex -- x/X (A to F case-insensitive)
0b1011	// binary -- b/B

0.33F	// float -- f/F
1e4		// double

'a' '❤'	// chars
"foobar"	// string
long n = 9999999999;
// it is compiler error unlike in C++ since literal is int and is overflowed

long n = 9999999999L;	// solves the above issue
// underscores are allowed in all numeric types to make them easier to read
int million1 = 1000000;
int million2 = 1_000_000;
int binary_num = 0b0001_0101; 

// underscore can't be at beginnning or end of literal or on either sides of a decimal point (.)
float exp = 1.010_101;

// multiple underscores together is valid; useless though
int eleven = 1__________1;	


Logical/Bitwise operators:

& | ^   // can be applied to both boolean and integer types; works the same way as conditionals with boolean type: && ||
~       // only for integer types

Logical operators are not short circuited whereas Conditional operators are.

boolean a = false;
boolean b = (true) | (a = true);       // logical AND (&)
System.out.println(a);      // true

boolean a = false;
boolean b = (true) || (a = true);       // conditional AND (&&)
System.out.println(a);      // false

Type Casting

double x = 99;      // valid; smaller to larger type cast is implicit
long y = x;         // invalid; larger to smaller cast can lead to loss of data
float z = 9.0;      // invalid; must be 9.0f

double a = 9;           // implicit cast to double from int
int b = (int) a;        // explicit cast from double to int

Numeric Promotion

  1. If two values have different types, Java will convert smaller into larger type
  2. If integral and decimal are being used, integral is converted to decimal type
  3. After the operations, the result value will be of the promoted operands type
  4. If both variables are of integral type and smaller or equal to int, they are promoted to int first, even if none of them is int; this is to prevent numeric overflow
short x = 5;
byte y = 5;
x + y;      // int 

Another example of Integral Promotion:

System.out.println('b' + 'i' + 't');        // prints 319; ASCII addition result

Bitwise Complement

~ operator is same as in C/C++. To find the bitwise complement of a number, multiply it by negative one and then subtract one.

System.out.println(~8);     // -9; use -(n+1) formula

// it is supposed to perform 1's complement on the operand


Strings are immutable in Java

Advantages of immutability include:

  • thread safety
  • security
  • non-redundancy

All strings literals (anything within "") are cached in an area in Heap memory called “String Constant Pool” or “String Intern Pool” for performance optimization.

When we define literal without new, we either get old ref or a string pool entry is created and we get it’s new ref.

When we create using new String(), we force Java to create a new object regardless of any prior pool entry.

The sneaky thing is when we are allocating space using new, we end up using literal ("") in constructor call and a String literal ALWAYS gets placed in pool. So, its because of the String "" literal use that we get two objects created in memory and not by virtue of using new.


// how many string literals does the following statement create internally?

String a = new String("A");

// 1 literal - if "A" exists in pool already
// 2 literal - if "A" doesn't exist in pool already

// compare that to simple literal
String b = "B";
// it can create 0 or 1 depending on existance in pool

// another example
String s = new String(new char[]{'a','b','c'});
// only 1 String literal is created in heap ("abc"), none in pool

String Representation: Since Java 9, a new representation is provided, called Compact Strings. This new format will choose the appropriate encoding between char[] and byte[] depending on the stored content.

The internal array representation has 65536 elements and String Pool can go OutOfMemory since it not eligible for Garbage Collection. The memory is freed only when JVM is restarted.

String a = "foo";					// stored in pool
String c = "foo";					// points to a only (a == c is true)

String b = new String("bar");		// stored in heap and b points to it, literal "bar" is also placed in pool

String d = b.concat("tender");      // d is in string pool (since "new" is not used)

// text block Strings
String d = """
1. Must have a new line after start """
2. \s puts two spaces
3. line splicing using \ is there
4. \" and \""" are available
5. escape characters work inside this
6. spaces at end of a line are ignored


// Intern a string to copy it to Pool from String Object in heap if it doesn't exists there already and return it's reference, otherwise old ref from pool is returned
String internedStr = str.intern();


Once we have a String literal in pool or heap, we can’t “edit” (modify) it in-place.

String a = new String("foobar");
a = a.substring(0, 3) + "d";
// Literals created in pool: "foobar", "food" (new literal)

String b = "foo";
b = b + "bar"; 
// Literals created in pool: "foo", "foobar" (new literal)

Comparing Strings


// Avoid using "==" for string comparison since it compares object references and not actual value
// Naturally, only interned strings can be compared with ==

Iterating on a String

For-Each loop doesn’t work on String object as it doesn’t implement the Iterable interface.

The below works in C++ but not in Java:

String str = "foobar";
for(char c : str){          // compiler-error; Foreach not applicable to type 'java.lang.String'
    // logic

// fixed
String str = "foobar";
for(char c : str.toCharArray()){
    // logic

Building Mutable Strings

import java.lang.*;

new String("foobar");

new StringBuffer("foobar");

new StringBuilder("foobar");
  • StringBuffer is slower but thread-safe since it is synchronized.
  • StringBuilder is faster but not thread-safe.
  • Immutable String can be casted to StringBuffer or StringBuilder using new
  • .toString() can be performed on StringBuffer or StringBuilder to cast to immutable String
import java.util.*;


Data-String Conversions

Integer.parseInt(str)       // returns int; takes Strings only; slower
Integer.valueOf(str)        // returns Integer; takes both String and intgeral types; faster

String.valueOf(n)     // n is primitive or any other type
x.toString()        // where x is of type Integer

String Interpolation

Injecting variable values into a string is called “String Interpolation”.

// + operator
name = "Heisenberg"
age = 69
System.out.println("My name is " + name + " and I am " + age + "years old.");

// String.format() method
name = "Heisenberg"
age = 69
String.format("My name is %s and I am %d years old.", name, age);

// using StringBuilder
// MessageFormat.format() method

Other programming languages like Python and Javascript make it much easier to interpolate strings.

Control Structures

  • switch supports the following types:
// all integer literal types: 
int short long char byte enum

// and their wrapper classes: Short Integer Long Byte Char


var     // if type is one of the supported types

// variables can be used but they must be "final"
  • switch labels and expressions and case labels can be String here too (unlike C/C++) and they have to be compile time constant
//combining case values
case 1, 2:

case 1:
case 2:		// old way

// switch expressions, notice semi-colon (;) at last
var result = switch(day) {
 case 0 -> "Sunday";
 case 1 -> "Monday";
 case 2 -> "Tuesday";
 case 3 -> "Wednesday";
 case 4 -> "Thursday";
 case 5 -> "Friday";
 case 6 -> "Saturday";
 default -> "Invalid value";
// switch expressions must handle all possible input values so "default" case becomes mandatory all the time!

// yield keyword: used to supply value incase we want to execute logic in case output block
var result = switch(num) {
 case 0 -> "Zero";
 case 1 -> "One";
 case 2 -> "Two";
 default -> {
        System.out.println("Number not allowed.");      // executing logic
        yield "Invalid";                                // must be last statement of the block
                                                        // otherwise unreachable code compiler-error

  • System.exit(0) can be used to indicate successful termination, it even skips finally block execution

  • for-each loop

int [] arr = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

for(int i : arr){
	System.out.printf("%d ", i);

// 1 2 3 4 5 

break and continue

break LABEL;

continue LABEL;



import java.util.*;
Scanner in  = new Scanner(;
in.nextInt();		// int
in.nextFloat();		// float;			// string
in.nextLine();		// full line until '\n'

  • Scanner is not thread-safe (no sync) wheareas BufferedReader is.
  • Scanner buffer size is 1 KB wheareas BufferedReader buffer size is 8 KB. So BufferedReader is good for handling larger inputs.
  • BufferedReader is a bit faster than Scanner.
InputStreamReader r = new InputStreamReader(;    
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(r);

System.out.println("Enter your name");
String name = br.readLine();
System.out.println("Welcome " + name);    



System.out.printf()		// works mostly like C's printf()
String.format()			// to store in another String, formatting works like printf

Wrapper Classes

Available for all data types. Advantages include:

  • Thread safety (synced)
  • More methods available than primitives
  • All java.util methods take in wrapper objects as arguments
  • Collection framework deals with wrapper objects
  • Classes like BigInteger and BigDecimal provide huge ranges and utility methods

Objects of all primitive wrapper classes are immutable!

Creating Objects of wrapper class

// 1. new
Integer n = new Integer(33);        // deprecated way

// 2. valueOf()
Integer n = Integer.valueOf(33);    // better way
// Points to old object if it already exists in constant pool

// 3. Autoboxing
Integer n = 5;
// unboxing
int num = n;

// Wrapper to primitive (explicitly; no unboxing)
int n = num.intValue();

More on Autoboxing

// autoboxing and promotion can't happen in one go
Long l = 8;     // compiler error
// promotion = int literal 8 to long
// autoboxing = long to Long

// autoboxing and unboxing null can lead to surprises
Character c = null;     // valid since c is ref variable and it can store null ref
char ch = c;            // NullPointerException; since we try and call method on c internally to get primitive out of it

// methods calls; same here
void foobar(Long x){ }

foobar(8L);     // valid
foobar(9);      // invalid
  • Arrays don’t get autoboxed - they define their actual types.
int[] arr;
Integer[] arrInt;

// both are different

Immutability and Pass-by-Value

Just like the String class is immutable, wrapper classes like Integer too are immutable and always Pass-by-Value (everything in Java is).

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Integer n = 5;
public static void increment(Integer n){
    n = n + 6;      // re-assignment of ref variable

// Output: 5


  • Considered as objects, and all arrays are direct subclasses of java.util.Object class
  • Implements Cloneable and interfaces
  • always dynamically allocated unlike C & C++
  • values defaults to 0 or false or null
int arr[];
int [] arr;

int arr[] = new int[5];				//init list not allowed; sets default values
int arr[] = new int[]{1, 2, 3};     // anonymous array
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3};              // still allocated in heap

int arr[] = new int[3]{1, 2, 3};     // compiler error; both size and initilizer can't be specified

//muti-dimensional arrays
int arr[][];        // 2D
int[][][] arr;      // 3D
int[] arr[];        // 2D

// Range checking is strict unlike C & C++ and often results in RUNTIME Exceptions - 

// in method parameters
void foobar(int[] arr){ }

// length of an array
arr.length      // and not arr.length()

// multiple-declarations
int [] a, b;     // two array ref variables
int a[], b;      // one array ref variable, one primitive int    

//utility methods

Math & Date/Time


// etc...


import java.util.*;

Date d = new Date();                    // 1st way
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();    // 2nd way
c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)             // etc...

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
String str = ft.format(new Date());     // 07-05-2022        

Garbage Collection

Frees up memory in heap used by dereferenced objects and objects which has gone out-of-scope. Run by System.gc() but nothing is guaranteed. When the garbage collection is triggered by the JVM isn’t guaranteed either.

Mark and Sweep Algorithm - identify and mark objects to clean, then sweep through and free up space.

Types of garbage collectors in Java:

  1. Serial GC - single threaded, stop everything and run GC
  2. Parallel GC - multiple threaded, stop everything and run GC (aka Throughput Collector)
  3. Garbage-First (G1) GC (default) - for heap sizes greater than 4GB, divide heap into two halves and run GC on each, stop everything and run
  4. Shenandoah GC (Java 12+) - very short pause times, pause time is independent of the heap size: garbage collecting a 2GB heap or a 200GB heap should have a similar short pause behavior
  5. ZGC (Java 15+) - uses multiple threads running parallely, less pauses, very large (multi-terabyte) heaps, scalable

Generational ZGC (Java 21) - based on generational hypothesis acc to which young objects are more likely to die first. Logically separates the heap into two generations: a young generation and an old generation. When an object is allocated, it is initially placed into the young generation, which is frequently scanned. If an object survives long enough, it will be promoted to the old generation.

Stopping everything is called stopping-the-world (STW) or pausing (GC Pause). It halts all the program threads. Stopping the world ensures that no one accesses or changes memory during a GC run.



Called automatically when Garbage Collector is called by the JVM.

public void finalize() {
    // we can do anything here