AWK Operations:
Syntax: $ awk /regex/'{action}' filename
or $ awk '/regex/{action}' filename
Default behavior: $ awk '{print}' file.txt
Field Separator: -F "sep"
where sep is the separator
$ awk -F "," '{print $2, $3}' file.txt
(prints only the fields 2 and 3 of the file)
(fields have to be seaprated by a comma (,) in this case)
Read action from file: -f file_containing_action
Regex matching: $ awk '/regex/' filename.txt
$ awk /regex/ filename.txt
$ awk '$3 ~ /programmer/' emp_data
)if($2 == "string") #will match whole date of none of it
if($2 ~ "regex") #useful for finding only year in "25/12/2019"
alternatively, if($2 ~ /regex/)
# $2 !~ "regex" (be careful with single-quotes, they work like in shell)
as well as ==
anywhere in the script BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1}
BEGIN and END blocks:
$ awk 'BEGIN{print "hi"} {print} END{print "bye"}' file.txt
Line-by-Line: (value in field 2 ($2) of every line keeps on getting added)
$ cat file.txt
apple 1
ball 2
cat 3
dog 4
$ awk 'BEGIN{s=0} {s=s+$2;print s}' file.txt
Built-In variables in awk:
, $2
, $3
, and so on ($0
is the entire line)#specify FS="CHAR" in BEGIN block
#If any change/update is done to any field, only then will OFS change for $0, else $0 remains on existing FS even if OFS is defined
#if OFS is defined then use comma (,) in print to insert between fields
print $1, $2, $3, $4
# will print whole lines even with $1 as default separator is TAB
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {print $1}' file.txt
# fixed by specifying separator as comma (,)
# double-quotes mandatory with FS var
Arithmetic, pre and post, assignment, relational, logical, ternary (same as in C)
is for exponentiation, **=
shorthand assignment)
String concatenation operator (SPACE)
$ awk 'BEGIN{str1 = "Abhi"; str2 = "Arya"; str3 = str1 str2; print str3}'
delete arrayName[key]
for (i in a)
print a[i]
Control Flow (same as in C)
if(condition) { }
else { }
Loops (for, while, do while, break, continue, exit(10)) (same as in C)
for (i in a)
print i
function foo(arg1, arg2) { return bar }
)$ awk 'BEGIN { print "Hello, World" > "/tmp/message.txt" }'
printf format, value_list
$ awk '{}' file.txt arg1 arg2
(access using ARGV[2]
and so on)(poor way, works but arg1
recognized as an input file too ad gives error alongwith correct output)ARGV[0]
is awk
and ARGV[1]
is file.txt
awk -v arg1="$1" -v arg2="$2" '{}' file #($1, $2 are cmd-line args to sh command)