Async and Events

No additional dependencies are required for Async or Events functionality in Spring.

Spring Async

Enable Annotation: @EnableAsync (no dependency required in Spring Boot)

Async processing in Spring Boot: use @Async annotation on methods and @EnableAsync on any one of the configuration classes. Spring Boot will run this method in a separate thread. Also, the method call must come from outside the class (same concept as the Transactional Spring Proxy Bean interception).

An @Async method can return void, Future, or CompletableFuture (which is a subtype of Future only).

public class AsyncConfig {
    // configuration related to async processing can go here if needed

// Service class
public class AsyncService {

    public CompletableFuture<String> performAsyncTask() throws InterruptedException {
        // simulate a long-running task

        // return an already completed task with given value
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("Task Completed");

// Controller class
    public String executeAsync() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
        CompletableFuture<String> future = asyncService.performAsyncTask();
        // you can do other tasks here
        // wait for the async task to complete and get the result
        return future.get();

Note that there is no CompletableFuture.supplyAsync() or any other of its method being called that runs the logic inside it in a separate theread. Here, Spring runs the entire method body in a separate thread because of the @Async annotation and we’ve to return original return type T wrapped as Future<T> type.

We can also define our own executors (i.e. thread type and pool) for our Async method or at the class level too.

Reference: Spring Async Microservice - YouTube

Spring Events

No dependency or enable annotation required to use events in Spring Boot.

For intra-app event driven communication (sync as well as async) we can use events API provided in Spring.

We can use events to achieve loose coupling among service calls in the application:

// pre-condition is that no dependency on task ordering must exist if we want to have async processing (ofc)

// 1. non-event-driven service method
void admitStudent(Student st){

// 2. event-driven service method
void admitStudent(Student st){
  1. Even if we make the service calls async, it will be faster and better than this, but the code will still be tightly coupled together inside the admitStudent() method.
  2. But if we can trigger a single event when admitStudent() method is called and the rest of the services listen to that event, then we can have parallel processing on multiple threads (just like async if we use @Async on listeners (see info box below)) in separate services but the code will be much cleaner (decoupled) in that case.

Steps to create, trigger, and listen to an event:

  • create an event object i.e a POJO class that extends ApplicationEvent and has fields that we want to send. Inheriting is optional but its a good practice.
  • publish the event from any class using ApplicationEventPublisher object autowired inside it and pass field values to send.
  • any class can be an event listener provided it has a method annotated with@EventListener and it acts as a handler for the event of that type. The method signature must declare the event type it consumes.
// event class
class CreateStudentEvent extends ApplicationEvent{		// optional inheritance; provides additional functionality like source
	String name;
	int age;

	CreateStudentEvent(Object source, String name, int age){	// source is required to identify publisher of event later on
		super(source); = name;
		this.age = age;

// publisher class
ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher; 

void createStudent(){
	applicationEventPublisher.publish(new CreateStudentEvent(this, "John", 20));

// listener class
class StudentHandler{

	void createStudent(CreateStudentEvent event){
		System.out.println("Student " + cse.getName() + " received.");

// all listeners for that event are triggered

By default, the publisher (ApplicationEventPublisher) waits for all its listeners to finish execution before resuming (blocking). To make it truly even-driven async (non-blocking) we must annotate all the listener methods with the @Async annotation. So event-driven is multithreaded only when made so by annotating the listeners properly.

Spring itself publishes many events upon diff stages of IoC container init and shutdown and we can listen and act on them as well.

Reference: Spring Boot Application Events - YouTube

Spring Cloud Stream

A framework for building message-driven microservice applications. Spring Cloud Stream builds upon Spring Boot to create standalone, production-grade Spring applications and provides vendor agnostic connectivity to message brokers (Kafka and RabbitMQ are most supported ones).



<!-- middleware specific dependency; depends on what we're using -->


Binders: we have destination binders which are responsible for providing the necessary configuration and implementation to facilitate integration with external messaging systems. They are abstraction that makes Spring Cloud Stream vendor agnostic.

public class SampleApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

	// just define a Function<> bean and it acts as a bridge between input and output
	public Function<String, String> uppercase() {
	    return value -> value.toUpperCase();

Specify broker address and function name in config (notice that its used as key too):

          brokers: localhost:9092
        definition: uppercase
          destination: input-topic
          group: input-group
          destination: output-topic
