CLI and Actuator

Spring Boot CLI

We can write Groovy srpipts and they don’t require any conventional Java project structure, imports, or even compilation.

// app.groovy
class HelloController{
	String hello(){
		return "Hello Groovy!";

// run with: $ spring run app.groovy

Starting from Spring Boot CLI version 3.0.0, the run command has been removed. Groovy scripts can’t be run as shown above without downgrading to version 2.7.1. Ref


Used to: Monitor and view internals of the Spring Boot application in runtime, we can control it too (like /shutdown).

Use below dependency to use actuator:


Endpoints are exposed at: localhost:8080/actuator/<endpoint_name>. By default only the /health endpoint is exposed.

You can enable or disable each individual endpoint and expose them (make them remotely accessible) over HTTP or JMX. An endpoint is accessible only when it is both enabled and exposed.

Some Common Endpoints

/beans			-> shows all beans' dependencies, scope, type  
/autoconfig 	-> all autoconfigs done by Spring Boot
/metrics		-> applications metrics like memory, heap, threads
/health			-> "UP" status and diskSpace


Custom Information (/info)

We can send our own definined information on the /info endpoint. Specify info using properties.
// hit /info with GET and we get the following JSON
	"name": {
		"first": "Abhishek",
		"last": "Arya"

	"address": "India"


It’s disabed by default since it can kill the app. Enable it by property as follows:


Hit with POST and it gives response back. This is the only endpoint with POST, all are GET otherwise.

// request - POST http://localhost:8080/shutdown

// response
 "message": "Shutting down, bye..."

Customize Endpoints

Enable/Disable Endpoints

By default, all endpoints except /shutdown are enabled. We can often disable all (1) and enable only the ones we need (2).



Here endpoint_id is nothing but name of the endpoint like health, shutdown, etc…

Exposing Endpoints

expose only health and info:

expose all:

exclude env and beans:

Only the /health endpoint is exposed by default.


We can change /actuator base path to anything we like /foobar.


We can change endpoint_id, toggle sensitivity, secure endpoints with authentication.

We can write custom health indicators, or an entire custom endpoint.
