Spring Boot 3.0


Breaking Changes

  1. Uses Spring Framework 6 and Spring Security 6 under the hood
  2. Needs at least Java 17 (we can use records now for POJOs)
  3. All the components marked @Deprecated in Spring Boot 2.x are removed from the code
  4. Jump from Java EE to Jakarta EE9: javax.* packages are now jakarta.*.
  5. URL pattern matching changed. URLs terminated with slash (localhost:8080/foo/) no longer redirect to non-terminating with slash (“normal”) ones (localhost:8080/foo). link

Additions and Improvements

  1. Spring Native: Maven Build Plugin supports AoT image generation with GraalVM out-of-the-box, without the need for any third-party dependency
  2. ProblemDetail response object for better error reporting
  3. Improvements to Micrometer (Observability API): wraps around endpoint responses to observe and gather stats. We can now know the an endpoint’s hit count, request processing times, etc.
  4. @HttpExchange (works just like OpenFeign but without the need for any third-party dependency)
